EIN 81-1909109, 501 3c status: Public Foundation
With our (Shane & Farrell Foley) help, Connor and Quinn have founded Rainy Day Pennies.
WHY: We want to teach the boys that saving your pennies for a rainy day is not good enough. They can make a difference with a penny. Giving in even a small way can have a big impact on the life of a child less fortunate.
The rainy day is now, and a penny can go a long way.
This is Connor and Quinn’s charity and we hope their life long project. It was created for them to grow into, for them to give back through, and for them to pressure their peers of privilege to contribute and become involved in. Even though they are a bit young right now, soon enough it will be their input that the Board of Directors will take direction from as to how we help children.
MISSION: to help children in need, within the United States, by involving children themselves in supporting the needs of those underprivileged children.
Rainy Day Pennies will focus on the small things that can be done like providing coats and shoes for the homeless children in LA, or putting in DVD players in the critical and terminal wings of children’s hospitals, contributing towards mobile pediatric dental care units, sponsoring financially challenged kids so they can join sports teams….. The list is endless, and we will pick one or two needs a year that our efforts can support. As we develop and grow there will also be initiatives to contribute to larger established charities when one of their missions or drives fits our own.
Rainy Day Pennies is small, local, deliberate, and something that Connor and Quinn can grow as they grow and mature into men.
We are not trying to save the world, we are just trying to show that rubbing a few pennies together can bring a ray of sunlight to a child’s rainy day.MISSION: to help children in need, within the United States, by involving children themselves in supporting the needs of those underprivileged children.
There is no doubt that the world is changing and there is a lot to stand up and take notice of. While the world turns, we are steadfastly committed to our mission of being able to positively impact children’s lives. Rainy Day Pennies is a 501(c)(3) charity that we embarked on with the intention of providing a vehicle for our boys and their friends, to create hope and direct change for kids in need, whatever that need may be.
Our value proposition is included in the name itself: Rainy Day Pennies; simply, saving pennies for a rainy day is worthwhile and even pennies can make a difference in a child’s life.
Children have no control over the situation that they are born into, so for us, it was imperative that this was our starting place. We need to increase our awareness that there are kids in our own backyard born every day into poverty, illness, disease, dysfunction, among many other challenges, with little chance or voice in life. We are working to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Again, many thanks for your consideration and your thoughtfulness in making a difference in helping kids in need and teaching our kids that they are not entitled to the life they have, but blessed and obliged to give back.
We are not trying to save the world, we are just trying to show that rubbing a few pennies together can bring a ray of sunlight to a child’s rainy day.
Shane and Farrell Foley
Zein Obagi
James Clark
Dawn Robinson
Wassan Kasey and John Pattison
Rochelle Sfetku
Stephanie Duchene and Mike Duvall
Katherine Shrager
Danny Schulz
Junior Board Members
Michael Connor Foley
Patrick Quinn Foley
Dvin Evelyn Hook
Connor Alexander
Lucas Alexander
Benjamin Sellards
Sebastian Sellards